Graduate Research Projects in the SMF Group (PhD and MPhil Degrees)
Understanding the dynamical properties of materials, from individual atoms and molecules on surfaces, to the effect of defects and bulk structure remain substantial physical challenges. In the SMF group, we aim to investigate the physics of such processes at the most fundamental level practical.
Across the groups, we apply an exceptionally wide range of experimental techniques, from nano-scale imaging to macroscopic materials tests, and we have a strong emphasis on development of innovative experimental techniques. Our projects are primarily experimental, but the group also pursues a considerable computational modelling effort - ideal for those people wishing to focus on modelling or theory, while maintaining a grounding in experiment.
Application and Funding
Information about the application procedure is available on the departmental website. All projects are available to students applying for Departmental Quota Award studentships or other personal awards. In addition, there are a number of other studentships available for work in specific areas, and many projects have dedicated funding streams.
See here for information about 2022 entry projects in the Surface & 2D nanoScience Group.
See here for information about PhD projects in fracture & dynamic materials physics (Now known as the PCS group)